Do you want to feel better and live happy,
joyous, and free of Addiction?
Well, let's connect! Our personal experience and education have taught us how to build a sober and healthy lifestyle, to create habits that will become part of you. Knowledge and Action are two powerful keys to accomplishing any goal.
Our mission is to help others achieve recovery, regardless of their addiction; to encourage and support them in the journey towards achieving long-term abstinence and recovery and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The purpose is to work with other addicts in recovery to achieve new levels of consciousness through the 12th steps and believing in complete recovery instead of believing in the disease concept. Our followers are individuals who are living a sober life and they are no longer in their addiction. But at the same time, they want to improve their life by connecting mind, body and spirit through new thinking patterns, healthy living, and believing in God for complete recovery and restoration.
We offer a recovery living home where the person can have an easier transition into a regular clean and sober lifestyle.
We require complete abstinence from alcohol and drugs.
The house includes shared bedrooms, full bathroom, access to kitchen and living areas, parking space for a vehicle and backyard for fresh air and activities. In addition, we require regular attendance to a 12th step meeting, regular drug testing, curfew, and there is monitoring of each individual's recovery process. We are FARR certified!
JimmyG is the founder of Radical Recovery Tribe. He has been sober for 39 years and helped thousands of people to stay sober. He is a motivational speaker and entrepreneur.
Jimmy's coaching philosophy includes the Radical Approach, which defies most of the contemporary recovery models, embracing the idea of complete recovery. With guidance and careful planning techniques, Jimmy will help you clarify your values, unlock your passion and help you master the tools of alignment to achieve a higher degree of freedom.
Maria E. has been sober for 23 yrs and she is a Certified Health and Wellness coach who has helped many people over the years. She is passionate about wellness and will get you back on track to feel good and have a healthy joyful life.
She is also an entrepreneur, married, and a parent of teens. She can assist you with changing your mindset and beliefs to achieve balance and fully recover.
Dreams are the fuel for life and when you are living on purpose, you will experience a joy for living and contribute to the greater good of humankind.
Together they make a powerful team to help you change your life. They both strongly believe recovery is possible to anyone who has the desire and puts in the work.
Contact Phone Number 786-663-2396 ~ 786-835-9656 email us: JIMMYSOBERHOME@GMAIL.COM